Monday, May 2, 2016

Baby A's Nursery & Homemade Cold Pressed Coffee Recipe

This weekend was busy as we are preparing the house and ourselves for the arrival of Baby A. I am trying to make some dinners ahead to freeze so when the baby gets here we are prepared, as well as cleaning and nesting like a wild woman! This month is super busy as the school year winds down to a close, our calendar is chalked full of activities, there is hardly any down time. I had a list of things I wanted to get done this weekend, and I'm tired this Monday morning because we got most of it done. It feels good to get things checked off the list, and be even more prepared for this new family member to enter the world!

I told my husband last night when I laid down for bed that I forgot to mark May 30th as our 1st wedding anniversary on the calendar :/ Talk about baby brain!

At the top of my list was hanging a chandelier in the baby's room. I had bought this beautiful chandelier almost 4 years ago, and painted it an antique mint blue and hung it in my bedroom before I had a significant other, because it was just MY room. Randy has wanted a ceiling fan ever since he moved into our house about 2 years ago, I have LOVED my chandelier and was hard pressed to part with it. However, now that we have a baby on the way, I thought it would be a very sweet addition to a baby's nursery. So, I agreed to part with it for now, into the next room, and we got a ceiling fan for our room. That was the missing piece to the completion of baby A's gender neutral nursery, until we find out if we have a baby girl or baby boy. I want to find a fun brightly colored throw blanket for our rocking/gliding chair, and maybe a few more items to add some touches of color. Oddly enough I went with our wedding colors for the nursery because I figured gray & mint with touches of gold was neutral, and for a baby you can really do anything. I wanted the room to feel open, bright, welcoming, and soothing. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. 

Baby A's gender neutral nursery

I bought all of my furniture on Craigslist, and used Cottage Paint to bring the pieces together with a neutral color so they look like they belonged together. I replaced the knobs on the changing table with some cool ones I found at Hobby Lobby, although my husband said he thinks they look 'old'...I explained that is exactly how they're supposed to look, vintage! We got our gender neutral crib bedding at Target, I actually found ours on the clearance aisle because someone had returned it, it still had all of the pieces and nothing was wrong so I scooped it up and reveled in my luck at the $20 savings. It was still full price online and our store didn't carry it, so I was pretty thrilled. I found the little gold dots & gold wall quote online through Pinterest. 

My painted furniture now looks like a matching set!

I used Ikea spice racks for the book shelves- a Pinterest idea :D

I also made homemade cold pressed coffee this weekend. Why you ask...well because I crave it right now and I LOVE the iced coffee from Caribou Coffee, but I just can't justify spending money & taking time to go through a drive thru every time I want it when I can make almost the same damn thing at home. Minus the pretty blue straw & cute cup :D So, I found a trusty recipe on Pinterest that I had made before, and I'm fully prepared to share that with you all today. If you've never had cold pressed coffee, you must try this. It's not just regular coffee poured over ice...although that will do in a pinch, it's nothing like the true iced coffee. When the coffee beans soak in cold water overnight what you get is a super smooth & less acidic coffee concentrate. You pour this over ice with some water, and I like mine with cream, or you can boil some water and add the coffee concentrate to the water for a smooth cup of joe!

Homemade Cold Pressed Coffee:

Recipe adapted from

All my ingredients, use your favorite coffee


- 1 cup coarsely ground coffee of your choice
- 5 cups of filtered water
- mesh sieve or nut milk bag


Coarsely grind one cup of coffee beans and pour them into a bowl. Then measure out between 4.5-6 cups of filtered water. I made mine with 5 cups of water. The less water you use, the stronger your concentrate will be. Then let this sit in the refrigerator for 12 hours I covered mine just to be sure nothing dripped down into it. After 12 hours, pour your liquid into a separate bowl through a mesh sieve, or use a nut milk bag. I just used a mesh colander, and passed it back and forth between the two bowls a few times to get all of the sediment out. I used a light roast bean because that's all I had on hand, but this is super quick to make, you just have to wait for it to steep 12 hours before you can drink it! 

This is what your coffee beans will look like with the water added, like coffee sludge

Getting ready to run my coffee through the mesh colander

Making sure to get all of liquid out of the beans

Got this super cute carafe at Target in the $1 aisle <3

***But remember, this is a coffee concentrate that you're left with, I fill my glass with ice, then about halfway with water, the rest with coffee concentrate and then a splash of cream!***

I hope you try this super easy and delicious recipe, let me know what you think! You can store your coffee for up to 10 days in the refrigerator in a sealed container, this will last me all week!


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