Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend Recap

So this was a busy past weekend! I get out of work a little early on Fridays, so we decided to do a birthday for Keaton with his friends this weekend in case I go into labor before or right around his actual birthday (May 15th) so that we would make sure he got to do something! There is a trampoline park that just opened in Sioux City, and that's where he wanted to go for his birthday. We hadn't been there yet, but we knew there was laser tag, a ninja warrior type course, dodge ball, basketball, and of course the open trampolines...I mean c'mon I was a little bummed I couldn't partake. I loaded the kids up in the family van and we headed there around 4, the kids jumped for an hour and then played two rounds of laser tag. We headed back to our house for pizza & cookie cake and everyone was tired, full, and happy. It was a win-win and Keats told me it was a great birthday. We didn't have anyone sleep over because we are planning a home birth and with only 2 weeks left in this pregnancy I told the kids I'd hate to ruin their sleepover by sending kids home in the middle of the night if I go into labor! They understood :D

The bday boy in action on the ninja warrior course!

The dodge ball area that the kids hung out in most the night

I worked Saturday morning, just a half of a day, and then I headed out for my usual Mother's Day weekend tradition, which is buying flowers for my front porch and flower beds. This year I decided to get some perennials that will return each year for the permanent beds in my front yard to see how I liked that. I bought some pretty annuals to fill the pots on my front porch. My mom and I like to go together to scope out all of the flowers and places to buy them so we took our time and went to 4 different shops. I was having contractions off and on the whole time, and a few pretty sharp ones when we were at Earl May. The gentleman helping us with the flowers said, "I know a lot about flowers but I don't know anything about delivering a baby!" I told him we'd head home if I thought  we were nearing that time. Anyway, my mom and I both found what we wanted and I headed home around 3:00 p.m. to get planting!

That's the hubs in the background

I think these will look great when they start to fill out!

Randy did the heavy work of digging out the flower beds and turning the dirt for me, and then putting down the potting soil. That cut down my work time significantly because usually I do that part too, but for obvious reasons, he wanted to help do the heavy work! I got all of my flowers planted and now I'm anxious to watch them take off and grow. They look great and add life to the front yard, and now I'm ready for baby A to arrive because I have my normal spring duties pretty much done up to this point! I made some barbacoa tacos for Saturday night as well, I didn't make my homemade salsa which is the only thing that really would've made them perfect! However, they were delicious, and that was one of my four meals this week that I doubled to freeze so we have homemade meals when Baby A gets here. I'll post a recipe for those soon!

We love tacos :D

My front porch pots give the front door some life!

Hot pink geraniums, and Ruby Rose Lantanas <3

Sunday morning we had absolutely beautiful weather here in Siouxland, so I woke up around 8 and sat in front of the open windows with my book. Randy went to get me my favorite cold pressed coffee from Caribou Coffee & cinnamon coffee cake for Mother's Day. It was delicious! We got our walking shoes on and headed out to take Mugsy for a quick 1 mile walk, and to see if we can't get my contractions started up again to get things as prepped as we can before baby A gets here. Each time I go walking I have contractions, cramping, and a few sharp jabs, so I KNOW my body is nearing delivery time with this babe. I felt pretty good and told Randy I could probably walk another mile further, but he said he'd feel better if we stayed fairly close to home, just in case! 

This pic was taken a few weeks ago at Baby A's shower
My mom, myself, sister, and my daughter

After our walk we brought the kids to my mom's house so we could see her and wish her Happy Mother's Day, and she had a whole spread of fresh fruit (my cravings right now are watermelon, pineapple, & strawberries) and more coffee cake. We stayed and visited for a while and then I wanted her to enjoy her day as well, so we headed home. The weather was so nice that I decided I was going to sit out on the deck and get some sun! Reese joined me, and then she was jumping on the trampoline & playing outside while I caught some rays :D. After that I kept the laundry going all day to make sure we're all set for this week, with baby A coming at any time in the next couple weeks, I really want to try and stay caught up around the house! 

Cheers! Enjoying a fruit smoothie while we get some sun

Randy made a fantastic dinner, and I didn't have to cook a thing! He grilled burgers, asparagus, & potatoes, cut up a watermelon (again can't get enough!) and made a big salad. He also cleaned up the kitchen mess & dishes...I have the best husband, and I was happy to be spoiled yesterday. After dinner I did some food prepping, I made up 6 egg sandwiches for fast breakfasts this week, I would've made more but I only had 6 English muffins! Once I cleaned up my mess, I changed the laundry one last time, signed a few permission slips, and finally fell into bed. However, I couldn't sleep! I couldn't get comfortable, I had contractions throughout the night, and my hips and lower back were in moderate pain, enough to keep me awake. I kept tossing and turning to each side to try and find sleep, yet it eluded me. I got up to use the restroom every 25-30 minutes or so, just to get comfortable and move around. I paced the house a few times to see if that would help me get more comfortable, but it did not. Finally I laid back down and just tried to keep my mind off of my discomfort and listen to the rain until I fell asleep. Needless to say, I woke up a little more tired than normal, and my contractions are continuing today. I'm hopeful this means that baby A will make his or her arrival sooner rather than later...because I don't know how many nights like last night I can handle!

Meal prepping sausage & egg sandwiches for the week

I hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day, it's truly such a special gift to be a mother, to experience life growing inside of you, and then watching those tiny babies turn into little people with their own personalities and ideas about life. I have two wonderful and incredible kids that I love and adore, and I can't wait to meet this third little person that will be joining our family very soon. 


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