Thursday, May 19, 2016

Captain's Log...Week 39 Day 2

So I've had yet another midwife appointment since my last entry, my usual enthusiasm for our meetings has been tainted by my frustration that this is the MOST pregnant I've ever been. I've continued with the prodromal labor, with obviously no baby to hold in the end. My husband decided to inflate the birthing pool in our living room so that we're "ready" when the time comes...that was 4 days ago. My husband and 15 year old son took turns showing me different 'options' for birthing positions, they thought they were hilarious. My son was sitting in the tub with his long legs slung over the sides of the pool pretending to give birth, then he laid like a starfish across the top of the tub with his long limbs holding him up over the top of the pool. My husband then did basically the same thing but facing down with all limbs holding his body in a 'hovering' position over the pool. I was NOT entertained.

In the meantime I have kept our house so sparkling clean, this 'nesting' business is no joke. I chase the kids around making sure all crumbs make it to the garbage can and not on the floor. I have even completely cleaned and cleared my desk at work that has been messy for the last year. I am trying not to have a bad attitude, but I'm certainly grumpy. I know I've done this to myself. For ONE thing, a due date is always going to be an estimation. For another, I kept saying all along how Keats & Reese were born early, but that doesn't mean this baby will be...but in the back of my mind I didn't believe that for one second....I smugly thought to myself, I'll have this baby around 38 weeks. 

I've even nested at work, my desk hasn't been this clean for a
long time

 I'm beginning to feel like Joe's wife from Family Guy that's pregnant for like 9 years. Sure I may be a little over dramatic, but I can see why induction starts looking so damn appealing at this point. I know how it feels however, compared to normal labor and delivery, so that's not enough for me to sell my soul!!! I do have plans to start to take matters into my own hands soon however, I'm going to the store to get a few things. One item...dates. Yes, I've read a few articles on eating 6 dates per day in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy has been shown in studies to bring about labor. On the upside I enjoy dates, they taste awesome. I also need more watermelon because I literally ate a half of the watermelon I just bought yesterday :/ I am also getting some raspberry leaf tea because I read that it can somewhat coordinate contractions if you're already having them. 

So, it's now later in the evening...same day. I have successfully done a maternity workout, walked the dog 1 mile with Randy, and returned home to my evening snack. My mom stopped by the house in the mean time to bring the kids ice cream sandwiches (who knows why, they get plenty of treats) and she took one look at my belly and said, "I have a motherly instinct something is going to happen tonight!" So who knows what she sees or knows that I don't but I am liking the sounds of it. Bottoms up! The Raspberry tea with a little raw honey stirred in was delicious, and 6 dates down the hatch...I'm off to shower and get somewhat prepared for either another night of uneventful sleep and frequent bathroom breaks...OR...maybe meeting this baby!

My mom said we better take a picture tonight
because she thinks something is going to happen
so here is me, 39 weeks & 2 days pregnant
with baby A

And here is my evening snack of raspberry
tea and my 6 dates to encourage LABOR!!!

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