Friday, April 29, 2016

Chicken Burritos...aka Enchiladas to My Gringo Peeps

So, I was dating this Mexican fella' while I was in chiropractic school, and one of the first times he came over to my apartment I planned to cook dinner for him. I was sure I could wow him with my domestic skillz because I know my way around the kitchen...

Anyway, I told him I was going to make Chicken Enchiladas, homemade salsa, rice, etc. and he said that sounded great. I will never forget how much he laughed when he said that dinner was good, but it wasn't enchiladas. I was offended and indignant as I told him they absolutely were, he said "Jenn, those are burritos, but they were still really good." I asked him why he thought they were burritos...he said, "I don't THINK they're burritos, they are burritos. Enchiladas are made with corn tortillas, and those giant flour tortillas are for burritos. So, those are chicken burritos." Sigh! To this day I have not made the mistake of calling my burritos, enchiladas, and I make them with corn tortillas if I am to call them enchiladas! However, most of my gringo familia and friends call their burritos enchiladas too, so apparently it's a common error. 

Enough on the history of this easy recipe, anyway, so these are burritos, BUT I've made them with the little corn tortillas too, and they are amazing, but I have big burly men to feed in my house so they like a giant burrito :D. 

I started these yesterday morning before heading out the door to work because I knew I would be home at lunch to continue my recipe. IF you are making these, just know you slow cook the chicken ahead, and then the second part that actually requires a little time, will be done later.

Ingredients for the Filling:

- 6 Chicken breasts (I used frozen)
- 1 TBSP Cumin
- 1 TBSP minced dried onion
- 1/2 TBSP onion powder
- 1/2 TBSP dried cilantro
- 1/2 TBSP garlic powder
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp himalayan sea salt
- 1 tsp fresh ground pepper
- 2 TBSP water at the bottom of your crock pot


Dump all of your ingredients into your crock pot and set to cook on low for 4.5 hours. When the time is up, shred your chicken. This part is a labor of love, for real, it's tedious and annoying when you're in a hurry on your lunch break but totally worth it :D

This is my shredded chicken, I had added the chopped green chilies at this point

Second Part...


- 2 small cans chopped green chilies
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (I can't get enough of this stuff so I use more)
- 1 jar green salsa ( I prefer Herdez salsa verde)
- 1 cup shredded colby jack cheese (I used cheddar because that's all I had)
- 8 flour tortillas...or about double or more corn tortillas if you make enchiladas


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. After your chicken is cooked and shredded, mix in the 2 cans of chopped green chilies, sour cream, and fresh cilantro. Stir it until thoroughly mixed. Next start filling your tortillas one at a time and rolling them up with the seam side down and place them in a buttered 9 X 13 baking dish. I filled 8 tortillas yesterday, but ended up with some extra chicken, and just saved that to put on a salad later. Once all of your burritos, OR enchiladas are rolled up and in your pan, pour your green salsa over the top just to cover them, then top with your cheese. Pop these babies in the oven for about 30 minutes until the edges of the tortillas are slightly crisped up. You can also turn on the broiler for a few minutes if you want your cheese bubbly, just be sure to keep an eye on them so you don't burn dinner!

I would've added more cilantro, but I ran out :/

Roll them up and fill your pan
Covered with salsa & shredded cheddar

Last night I served ours with fresh avocado on top, and grilled veggies & watermelon on the side, but you could serve with any sides, especially rice, beans, chips & salsa, or guacamole. Or you could make stuff them with your beans & rice like chipotle...YUMMO!!! These also freeze well, I would wait to put the salsa and cheese on top and just stop after you have all of your tortillas filled and lined in a dish for freezing. Or you can make them ahead up to this point and refrigerate overnight and cook the next day, although you may need to adjust the cooking time in the oven since everything will need thoroughly warmed through. This is a very simplified recipe, you can add and take away from here, making them spicier, or top them with an enchilada sauce. I generally make everything palatable for my 11 year old that doesn't like things too spicy, but she can handle a little 'kick'! Anyway, please try these and enjoy, let me know what you think!!!

Ready to dig in!!!


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