Thursday, March 3, 2016

Third Time's A Charm

Staying Fit & Active During Pregnancy

Well this pregnancy so far has been different in a few ways compared to my first two. I was unmarried and very young during my first two pregnancies which led to a state of depression, self loathing, and I truly didn't take care of myself. My goal for this pregnancy has been to take it one day at a time, and really try to keep my nutrition and activity level up to par. 

Of course those first few weeks when you just feel sick & dog tired the last thing you want to do is eat healthy or exercise. 
But once you're through the initial few weeks, getting back on track is much easier possible! I joke, but really it is a commitment to yourself, your baby, and your health and it takes work. I've tried to make my goals realistic so that I can keep up with them. I started out thinking I'd keep doing crossfit 3-5x per week, in addition to swimming laps, and walking. In reality there have been weeks at a time where I've done ONE walking workout on my treadmill, or nothing at all. I'm not here to promote perfection, I'm a realist, I'm a mother, I work full time, and some days you just need to do nothing! 

I have done a variety of workouts, and my current goal is to at least get active 3 times per week, and that can be anything from a home workout dvd, or going for a walk with my dog. Of course Iowa winters have a way of handing it to you and really zapping your energy so you accomplish little more than getting to work, getting home, and making dinner ordering out. But making a commitment to yourself and carving out a little 'me time' is rewarding and will make you appreciate your body and mobility afterwards.

I have found in these more recent weeks my go-to workouts have been the 21 Day Fix & PiYo workouts from Beach Body. The workouts are only 30 minutes long which is awesome because I can get motivated knowing I'll be done in 30 minutes. The added bonus of doing the workouts at home give me the flexibility to fit it in over my lunch hour some days, or after work. And then I'm done, that's it! I think most people would agree that they have at least 30 mins. in their day that they could fit in some sort of activity. I'm hoping that my commitment to the activity not only helps with labor & delivery, but also losing the baby weight afterwards as well. I advise anyone that continues to exercise during pregnancy to 'listen to their body' & take water breaks, bathroom breaks, or just catch your breath when you need to! The goal is consistency & healthy choices, not pushing yourself to set new PR's!!! And as always make sure you are HYDRATING sufficiently!!!

Post workout @ 27 weeks

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