Monday, March 21, 2016

Coming Clean...

  I decided to re-cap my weekend in all honesty with my crappy food choices and all...because I'm human, but also because I want to let you know that just because you slip up, doesn't mean you have to give up!!! 


I ate a healthy and clean breakfast, skipped a snack, and then took my mom out to lunch to spend time with her for her birthday. We both ordered a healthy quinoa chopped salad with grilled salmon at our favorite local restaurant. I devoured my salad in it's delicious entirety and thought to myself, excellent, I've been making great food choices the last few days! After some great chit chat and lots of water refills, it was time to go. I drove my mom back to her house, and then my daughter arrived having walked there after school. We played a few rounds of 'Old Maid' and spent a little time looking over my baby registry, when my mom offered us a sample piece of chocolate cake from her dinner out the night before. Who can turn down chocolate cake, I mean c'mon especially when the description includes the words mousse, and ganache!!! My daughter and I both had a piece and I cannot tell a lie, it was so rich and delicious the small serving was even enough to satisfy my sweet tooth! My daughter and I went home, and I took a nap because it was just one of those gloomy and cold days that are meant for napping. When I woke up, my husband and I felt like moving our Saturday night's menu to Friday and just ordering pizza instead of cooking dinner. SO, we did, and I ate 3 slices of normal amazing pizza. So, to recap, Friday wasn't the worst choices all day, but two big indulgences: CHOCOLATE CAKE & PIZZA. Friday was also a 'rest' day so I didn't work out, however, I DID drink all of my water and I went to bed early!


I woke up early to get ready for my daughter's Band Olympics competition at our high school fine arts building. Her solo time was scheduled for  8:24 a.m. and we were to be there 30 mins. early so she could warm up! I made my daughter her favorite fruit smoothie for breakfast, and then I totally forgot to grab myself a banana on our way out the door! She did amazing on her solo, hit every note clearly, had great breathing technique, and completely wowed her audience (her family), I was so proud! My husband & I had told Reese that we wanted to take her to breakfast anywhere she chose because she practiced hard for her solo and we were so proud of her. She chose Harvey's which is a local diner type restaurant that we LOVE because they have the absolute best pancakes! So, there I was super hungry because in my haste to get out the door on time I hadn't eaten breakfast and had now been up for 3 hours...and the baby made me I ordered a pancake to go with my eggs & sausage! I enjoyed every darn bite of it too, because like I said, their pancakes are sensational. I spent the next few hours at the clinic working on patient files, then I took my daughter to the library, and headed back home. Once I got there I got dinner in the crock pot, ate a leftover slice of pizza :/  ( I know!) and then got down to it and made time for a workout. I did the 21 day fix workout called 'Dirty 30' it's a 30 minute interval workout with weights. It felt good to do something good for my body! My daughter asked to have a friend sleep over, and I said as long as she's ok with our healthy dinner meal I didn't mind. We had already ordered out on Friday night, so I had planned on cooking a healthy meal for Saturday night. I made buffalo chicken, which is essentially just chicken cooked in the crock pot that I shred and throw some seasonings & Frank's Red Hot buffalo sauce onto, steamed broccoli, and baked sweet potato 'fries'. For the fries I just cut up a couple of sweet potatoes like steak fries, season them with a little garlic salt & chili powder, and bake them on a sheet @ 400 degrees for about 25 minutes turning them halfway through. Anyway, dinner was over and we didn't have any treats in the house (because I find it easier to stay away from snacking on unhealthy foods if I don't buy them lol). I told the kids I'd take them for ice cream, so we loaded up the car and they each ordered what they wanted...and then that little voice in the back of my head was like "you really don't need anymore sweets today, yesterday you had plenty & you had a pancake with breakfast!" But my cravings won out, so I ordered a milkshake from Sonic, we NEVER go there for ice cream, but we tried something new. So, the first few sips of my shake tasted super sweet like I had wanted, but then all I could taste was an almost chemical, maybe I'm going crazy, but I think it's because I don't normally eat too many artificial flavorings or buy things with artificial dye. So, I ended up throwing it away, and I only ate about half of it, but it just didn't taste that great. So, I did some work on the iPad and then kissed my kids goodnight & went to bed. My Saturday indulgences were: a pancake @ Harvey's, left over pizza for lunch, & half a milkshake. However, I DID workout on Saturday & I drank all of my two good things.

Reese during her clarinet solo


I woke up fairly early to meet up with my girlfriend for coffee on Sunday, I hadn't seen her since Christmas time, when we had met up at the same coffee place. I knew we were celebrating my mom's birthday that night, and she had gotten the cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory that I had recreated a few weekends ago! I totally planned on having a piece too. So I knew heading to the coffee shop that I would stick to an iced coffee, not a specialty coffee, & a breakfast sandwich because I wanted to keep my day on track until dessert at my parent's house. I came home around noon to bring my daughter's friend home, and took a couple of bites of a cinnamon roll that was leftover from breakfast, & I packed my water with me to run to Target afterwards. My daughter went with me and we were gone for about 2 hours running errands, so when I finally got home I was starving, I made a quick salad with chicken on it, and then proceeded to finish off the cinnamon roll I had taken a few bites of that morning :/ I bought a planner at Target specifically to write down my goals for my workouts for the weeks ahead, and also because I was already feeling the effects of my bad food choices all weekend. I felt sluggish, lazy, and craved more bad carbs & sweets than normal! I fit in a workout, and worked on my planner, and had been drinking lots of water all day. When we headed to my parent's house I made a conscious effort not to snack a lot on the nuts & crackers with dip that they had set out. For dinner we had salad, filet mignon, steamed broccoli, & baked potatoes, which was all good. Then out came one of the most glorious cheesecake desserts EVER...the salted caramel cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Are you kidding me? I mean, I had exceeded my usual indulgences by far all weekend...but how could I say NO to this scintillating dessert that was calling out my name!?!?! And so, as a weak pregnant human craving bad things...I had a slice, and it was so damn fantastic I only regretted it a little. My Sunday indulgences were: a cinnamon roll & a piece of the most amazing cheesecake ever! I did do a lot of walking while running errands & fit in a workout however, and drank all my water for the day.

To recap...

SO, this weekend was by far and away my worst eating choices in consecutive days, and I can't really blame it on anything but giving in to my food cravings and using pregnancy as an excuse to say, sure why not! However, I also did some good things this weekend. I met up with a good friend I hadn't seen in awhile, I fit in a few workouts, I did really well keeping hydrated and drinking OR exceeding my goal of 120 ounces of water each day. I probably wouldn't HAVE to drink that much water, but with being pregnant, and fitting in workouts, sometimes after a normal day of about 80 ounces of water, I'm still thirsty. I have set my goals for these last 9 weeks of my pregnancy to do better. I don't deny myself indulgences once in awhile, but I went overboard this weekend, and I can feel the effects! I also specifically bought a planner to write down workouts for each day and schedule in a 'rest' day to help keep myself on task, and hold myself accountable. I've read that if you write your 'me time' in as an appointment, you're more likely to make it happen. Most days I fit in my workouts, but it's been on average about 4 days each week. I think everyone needs rest days too, but I want to push myself to the end of this pregnancy in a healthy way, so that my labor, delivery, and recovery go as smoothly as possible! Depending on where you are in your health & fitness journey, you may not see my weekend eating as being too terrible, OR you might be thinking holy smokes you blew it sister! With being transparent in this post I guess I just wanted to stress that just because you have a few bad meals, or a few missed workouts, it doesn't mean that you have to give up. It doesn't mean that you can't recover, and it doesn't mean that you're terrible at working towards being better. There are always going to be exceptions, and life shouldn't be about denying yourself experiences, or get togethers. The whole philosophy behind health & fitness should be about making it a lifestyle. Yes, there will be setbacks, yes you will have great days, yes you will have less than great days. If you keep your mindset positive, and work towards being better than you were yesterday that's what matters because that is what will keep you moving forward! 

With that said, I have planned out my meals & workouts for the week to be better than I was this weekend, and I plan to take the next few days to 'detox' from excess sugar!


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