Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Making Time For Yourself

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about how important it is to take time out of your day for yourself. For the first few years of motherhood I really struggled with this, because trying to juggle life, and single parenthood didn't leave much time left over for anything else. I really lost sight of who I was as anything other than a mom in those years. It's easy to do especially as a mom because our kids need so much of us, especially when they're little, and at least in my experience, they gravitate towards 'mommy'. It wasn't until my kids were a little older that I found myself exhausted, and just somewhat lost. I was graduating from Chiropractic school, and moving home to begin practicing with my dad at his clinic, and that's when I finally made the decision that I needed to make some time for ME!

I started out slowly, I joined my mom's book club, I made time to read the assigned book, and we'd meet about once every couple of months to discuss the book, and of course have wine! I would meet with this group of established women that I had known most of my young life as my mom's friends, but I began to look at them differently. I saw how they all juggled life, careers, and becoming who they were as individuals. I looked up to these ladies as strong women who were capable, and I wanted that for myself as well. I started taking time 3-5 times a week to exercise just using an at-home dvd, I didn't really lose much weight, but I felt good about myself. I had more energy, I had a clearer mind, and I could feel myself getting stronger. I also started to read more about nutrition, I had taken plenty of nutrition and biochemistry classes, but I hadn't really connected the dots for myself and put all of the puzzle pieces together yet. I guess you could say, I started to work on personal development in many areas, and that's what I hadn't made time for in those years I'd spent in 'survival mode'. I honestly look back and miss certain things about those days when my kids were young, and even though they were difficult, I needed to go through that to appreciate what I have now. 

Fast forward about 8 years...

Now I make it part of my routine to make time for myself everyday. Most days that's for a workout but some days it's sitting down to read, or to watch my favorite TV show. My husband is wired very much the same way, and he understands the importance of 'me' time so I am very fortunate in that aspect. Taking time to work on yourself doesn't make you selfish, it makes you centered, it helps you to be better at work, at school, a better wife, better mother, sister, or friend. I read this post once that said 'stop glorifying busy' or something to that extent and it really just stuck with me. If we don't take the time to care as much about ourselves as we do about the other people in our lives, what does that say about us? Everyone is deserving of time to themselves.

For me, a big part of me-time is exercise. Why? For many reasons, but mostly because it keeps me healthy. I am not, nor have I ever been a size 2, or naturally thin person, and that's not part of of my goal. I exercise to exert myself, to get stronger, to work out my stress, to keep my body healthy & mobile. I want to be independant into my golden years and I plan to live a very healthy & long life! My work is fairly physical, I walk up & down the stairs all day at the clinic, I physically twist, lift, bend, and stretch patients. But my work is helping my patients, it's not the same as taking time to work on me. More recently I have been doing my 21 day fix workouts at home because at 30 weeks pregnant that's a fantastic workout, & it's only 30 minutes which I can definitely make time for. I find it's easier to keep a positive attitude, and live a healthier lifestyle overall when part of my 'me time' is dedicated to exercise.

So if this is an area where you feel you could use a little work, don't feel guilty making that time for yourself. YOU are the most important person in YOUR life...because if you're not healthy and taking care of yourself first, how can you expect to really take care of anyone else? I know all you mom's out there can understand this, so take some time to put yourself first today, just try it out and see how much better you feel!


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