Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Paleo Zuchinni Bread & The Easiest Breakfast Casserole Recipes

As promised, I thought I'd make a quick post about my two Easter dish contributions to our family gathering. I found this blogger 'Detoxinista' a couple of years ago and I just LOVE her recipes. I made her zucchini bread once and it was a hit at our house, even with my kids, so I've kept it as my go to for a breakfast bread. I found the crockpot egg casserole on Pinterest and added my own twist. I've now made it for Thanksgiving morning (because who wants to cook breakfast when you've spent hours in the kitchen baking pies and preparing side dishes!) Christmas morning, because again, I don't like to be missing out on the kid's fun, but everyone is starving after unwrapping gifts, and now Easter!

Zucchini Bread 

(credit to recipe)

Here are the ingredients you will need:

3/4 cup coconut flour
6 eggs, at room temperature
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 cups shredded zucchini, tightly packed


Preheat oven @ 350 degrees, and prepare a loaf pan, glass works best. I prepare my loaf pan by just using a cold stick of butter and coating all sides and the bottom of the pan really well. Real butter is much better for you than all of the crap that's in Pam spray, but that's a whole subject in and of itself. So...just prepare your pan. ***Note: Detoxinista suggests using parchment paper, I forgot to this time and it came out fine, but she says sometimes it sticks like crazy *** Next whisk together your eggs, add in the maple syrup, melted coconut oil, coconut flour, vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking soda, and whisk until all of the lumps are gone. Then with a spatula, fold in your shredded zucchini. Your mixture will be thick, similar to cake batter. Pour your mixture into your prepared loaf pan, smooth out the top, and pop it into the oven for 45-60 minutes. The loaf won't rise much, but jiggle the pan to make sure it's cooked through the middle. It will be golden brown, and this bread is very *moist (my least favorite word) so I'd err on the side of baking it a little longer if you're not sure that it's done. Cool on a wire rack, and then store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to a week. (Although I doubt you'll have it around that long!)

I had to make myself pause to take a picture because it was delicious

This bread is delicious alone, or served with butter, honey, or whatever you like on top of your breakfast breads. It has a nice texture, and the maple syrup & zucchini alone make it sweet, but you don't feel like you ate a donut afterwards. Win win if you're trying to eat healthier!

This is the beautiful picture from but this is exactly what the loaf should look like

Crockpot Egg Dish

So, if you're like me, you like good homemade food, but you like it to be fairly easy to make. We love breakfast at our house, and it seems with most holidays that we eat some form of eggs, or egg casserole for breakfast or brunch. I'm usually making quite a few homemade food items around the holidays, and breakfast seems like the last thing I want to stand on my feet in the kitchen to make, but the first thing I want to dig into after a late night! Anyway, I came across this very basic egg dish recipe for the crockpot on Pinterest. I honestly don't even remember what site I found it on, so I wish I could give credit to whomever saved my life with this recipe. But, alas, I cannot. I also don't have any pictures for you, but I'll be making this again later this week, and will update this post! 

The original recipe calls for:

12 eggs
1 bag of frozen hash browns
1 16 oz. roll of sausage
16 oz of shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup of milk
Salt & Pepper to taste

My version...because we love eggs, and leftovers, or if you have a big crowd to feed!

All of my ingredients ( I like to use block cheese & shred it myself- less additives)

18 eggs
1 16 oz bag of all natural hash browns, OR 3 cups of shredded sweet potatoes
1 lb of mild sausage
2 1/2 cups of frozen roasted corn, black beans, onion, & green pepper mix
6 shakes of Frank's Red Hot (or to taste-this amount won't make it spicy)
2 cups of milk
1 TBSP onion powder
1 TBSP garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp. himalayan sea salt
8 oz. shredded sharp cheddar cheese


In a medium pan, brown your sausage, then set aside. In a large bowl whisk your eggs until thoroughly beaten, add in the milk and whisk again. Add in your Frank's Red Hot, onion powder, garlic powder, pepper, salt, and whisk together. Next, add in your hash browns or shredded sweet potato and use a spatula to mix together. Add in the sausage and mix thoroughly, and lastly, add in your cheese and mix until everything is evenly incorporated. Now, get out your crockpot, again I use a cold stick of butter to prepare mine, and make sure to prepare the bottom and sides of the crockpot all the way up! Then dump in all of your egg mixture, put on the lid, and cook for 5 hours on low. If you have a crockpot with a timer (the absolute best kitchen gadget) then it will automatically switch over to the 'warm' setting after 5 hours. If not, you'll want to be sure to set an alarm so you turn it over to warm, unless you're ready to serve it that point. 

All of my ingredients mixed together & ready to go in the crockpot!

I usually start mine around midnight or later on Thanksgiving or Christmas, only because I'm still up doing something in the kitchen at that point. For Easter, I made this ahead, leaving the last step for 5 a.m. so, I set my alarm and dumped my egg mixture into the crockpot and then it was ready to go when we were heading to my mom's in the morning &  I just plugged it back in on the 'warm' setting when we got there because we weren't going to eat breakfast for another 45 minutes or so. It's always a hit, it's super easy, and I have to make more this week because everyone took some home & we didn't have much for leftovers!

Our delicious hot & ready breakfast, just get a spoon & dig in!


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