Friday, September 23, 2016

Back On The Hamster Wheel (granola recipe)

Now that school is back in session and I have 3 kids to send out in 3 different directions before pulling into the parking lot at work...time is precious! I often pull up to work wondering if I remembered to get dressed. With Randy leaving before 7 a.m. for work, I have diaper changes, nursing, permission slips, and general reminders for the big kids, as well as attempting to look somewhat presentable while trying to pull it off all before 7:25!

As I'm adjusting back into the rat race after the summer lull, I like to try and prepare ahead so meals like breakfast are healthy & simple, ready for the kids to get themselves. One of their favorite options is granola!!! I like a few of the granola brands out there, but they're like $5-$6 for a tiny 11 oz. bag that my kids (and husband) end up going through in a few days. So, in the last few years I've taken to making my own granola because 1) it's super simple & I KNOW what ingredients go into it and 2) it's much more cost effective for this family of eaters!

I got this very basic recipe off of Pinterest- which led me to an awesome blog called Peanut Butter Fingers. It's fantastic because you can customize the granola to what you have on hand, or add to the basic recipe to make it your own. Without further adieu....

picture courtesy of Peanut Butter Fingers blog

Almond Butter Granola 

makes 8 (1/4 cup) servings

  • 4 TBSP Almond butter (I've also used natural peanut butter & it works great)
  • 4 TBSP raw honey
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 TBSP chia seeds
  • 2 Cups Oats 


Preheat your oven to 325 degrees, and I use parchment paper on my cookie sheet. I don't like to use those cooking sprays because of the chemicals...but that's my personal preference. I combine almond butter and honey in a small saucepan until it's slightly melted, remove from heat and add in cinnamon and vanilla. Pour mixture over your oats & chia seeds and stir until evenly coated. Spread evenly onto your prepared cookie sheet & bake for 8 minutes, then stir the granola around and bake for another 8 minutes. Depending on your oven your baking times may vary. I like it a little toasted and browned, and with a crunch! When it's done leave it on the cookie sheet to cool and then I just store mine in a ziplock bag. I like adding almonds or pecans to this mix, as well as shredded coconut that I've toasted; those are pretty much my staples with this mix. 

The beauty of this recipe is that it has endless other options you can throw into it, like dried fruits, seeds, nuts, candies, etc. If you are adding dried fruits or candies to your granola, you don't want to add it in until your granola has baked & cooled. Give this recipe a try and enjoy!

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