Friday, April 29, 2016

Chicken Burritos...aka Enchiladas to My Gringo Peeps

So, I was dating this Mexican fella' while I was in chiropractic school, and one of the first times he came over to my apartment I planned to cook dinner for him. I was sure I could wow him with my domestic skillz because I know my way around the kitchen...

Anyway, I told him I was going to make Chicken Enchiladas, homemade salsa, rice, etc. and he said that sounded great. I will never forget how much he laughed when he said that dinner was good, but it wasn't enchiladas. I was offended and indignant as I told him they absolutely were, he said "Jenn, those are burritos, but they were still really good." I asked him why he thought they were burritos...he said, "I don't THINK they're burritos, they are burritos. Enchiladas are made with corn tortillas, and those giant flour tortillas are for burritos. So, those are chicken burritos." Sigh! To this day I have not made the mistake of calling my burritos, enchiladas, and I make them with corn tortillas if I am to call them enchiladas! However, most of my gringo familia and friends call their burritos enchiladas too, so apparently it's a common error. 

Enough on the history of this easy recipe, anyway, so these are burritos, BUT I've made them with the little corn tortillas too, and they are amazing, but I have big burly men to feed in my house so they like a giant burrito :D. 

I started these yesterday morning before heading out the door to work because I knew I would be home at lunch to continue my recipe. IF you are making these, just know you slow cook the chicken ahead, and then the second part that actually requires a little time, will be done later.

Ingredients for the Filling:

- 6 Chicken breasts (I used frozen)
- 1 TBSP Cumin
- 1 TBSP minced dried onion
- 1/2 TBSP onion powder
- 1/2 TBSP dried cilantro
- 1/2 TBSP garlic powder
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp himalayan sea salt
- 1 tsp fresh ground pepper
- 2 TBSP water at the bottom of your crock pot


Dump all of your ingredients into your crock pot and set to cook on low for 4.5 hours. When the time is up, shred your chicken. This part is a labor of love, for real, it's tedious and annoying when you're in a hurry on your lunch break but totally worth it :D

This is my shredded chicken, I had added the chopped green chilies at this point

Second Part...


- 2 small cans chopped green chilies
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (I can't get enough of this stuff so I use more)
- 1 jar green salsa ( I prefer Herdez salsa verde)
- 1 cup shredded colby jack cheese (I used cheddar because that's all I had)
- 8 flour tortillas...or about double or more corn tortillas if you make enchiladas


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. After your chicken is cooked and shredded, mix in the 2 cans of chopped green chilies, sour cream, and fresh cilantro. Stir it until thoroughly mixed. Next start filling your tortillas one at a time and rolling them up with the seam side down and place them in a buttered 9 X 13 baking dish. I filled 8 tortillas yesterday, but ended up with some extra chicken, and just saved that to put on a salad later. Once all of your burritos, OR enchiladas are rolled up and in your pan, pour your green salsa over the top just to cover them, then top with your cheese. Pop these babies in the oven for about 30 minutes until the edges of the tortillas are slightly crisped up. You can also turn on the broiler for a few minutes if you want your cheese bubbly, just be sure to keep an eye on them so you don't burn dinner!

I would've added more cilantro, but I ran out :/

Roll them up and fill your pan
Covered with salsa & shredded cheddar

Last night I served ours with fresh avocado on top, and grilled veggies & watermelon on the side, but you could serve with any sides, especially rice, beans, chips & salsa, or guacamole. Or you could make stuff them with your beans & rice like chipotle...YUMMO!!! These also freeze well, I would wait to put the salsa and cheese on top and just stop after you have all of your tortillas filled and lined in a dish for freezing. Or you can make them ahead up to this point and refrigerate overnight and cook the next day, although you may need to adjust the cooking time in the oven since everything will need thoroughly warmed through. This is a very simplified recipe, you can add and take away from here, making them spicier, or top them with an enchilada sauce. I generally make everything palatable for my 11 year old that doesn't like things too spicy, but she can handle a little 'kick'! Anyway, please try these and enjoy, let me know what you think!!!

Ready to dig in!!!


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bumpdate - 36 Weeks...

So, I've seen all of these posts online about what's going on in mama's life each week as their pregnancy progresses, and I just think that's fun to read, and it's neat to see how we are all very different in our pregnancies, yet at the end we have the same result. A sweet tiny baby :D So, if anyone is interested I'm just going to fill out answers to the most common questions and keep you up to date on baby A and our progress so far!

How Many Weeks: 36 weeks...some days it feels like 100 weeks haha

Size of Baby A: a large cantaloupe

Maternity Clothes: My work clothes are limited as my belly has outgrown a lot of shirts, I have about 4 pair of pants in rotation but I'm honestly always so warm, I am dressing for summer in our early spring weather.

Weight Gain: I haven't gotten on the scale since last week, but I'm right at about 30 lbs of weight gain right now, sometimes less depending on water retention lol. I had set a 'goal' when I first got pregnant to keep my weight gain between 20-25 lbs, but I've already gone over that. The upside is, I can still fit into some of my pre-pregnancy shorts and pants, of course they don't fit the same, but this is helping me deal with the weight gain because I've stayed very active and eaten so much healthier than my first two pregnancies, so I know it's good weight gain to help keep baby A healthy & growing :D

Sleep: I've actually been sleeping better in the last two weeks, however, I'm normally a back sleeper, so having to sleep on my sides makes my hips a little sore, so I'll be grateful to return to back sleeping, even though it'll be interrupted! Also, my husband sleeps with ear plugs frequently now because he's told me that since I've been pregnant I've started snoring :/ I really feel like I get a 'stuffy' nose feeling when I lay down, I don't really remember that with Keaton & Reese...but who knows!

Exercise: I try to workout at the very least 3 times each week, most weeks it's more like 4 or 5 times. I have been doing mostly beach body workouts since I was about 20 weeks, I think my last crossfit workout was at 19 weeks because I was getting hip and SI joint pain. My workouts are generally only 30 minutes long, and now that the weather is nicer I try to get a mile or two walk in with my dog when I can.

Yoga & PiYo have been great to help with lower back & hip pain this pregnancy, although downward dog is a little harder with my big belly in the way :D

Best Moment of the Week: Well it's only Wednesday, but I suppose the best moment of the week so far was coming home Monday night when my husband said to go ahead and start my workout because he had dinner prepped and ready to go on the grill. It's nice when he takes over because I had a long day at work, and if he hadn't prompted me to get my workout in, I probably just would've made dinner and been too exhausted from the extra time on my feet to do it later. He's the best <3 Also, we bought a minivan last week so that we'll be able to all 5 ride in the same vehicle next month! It's a Chrysler Town & Country and it's super awesome with all sorts of features that my 2006 Rav4 didn't have!!!

Our swagger wagon

Movement: He or she is moving all of the time, the baby had hiccups the other day when I was working on a patient, so I had the massage therapist feel my bump so she could feel what it was like. She was amazed. I was sitting in a seminar over the weekend and I kept feeling a little knee poke out right around my belly button area and it looked like I had a horn or something poking out of my otherwise round belly.

Cravings: I have been craving all kinds of fruit, but lately mostly watermelon, pineapple, & grapefruit. We had gotten a watermelon a few weeks ago and it was surprisingly really good for the middle of April, and since then I can't get enough. Every week I go to the store and get a watermelon & a pineapple, and of course my usual apples, bananas, and oranges. I've also been craving sweets more frequently, normally I have SOME willpower, and can limit myself, but I'm out of control, I had an ice cream snickers bar last night with my kids after dinner...and honestly I could've eaten two if I didn't have anyone else around to see me be a total glutton lol.

Belly Button In or Out: Definitely out

Belly button has 'popped'

Wedding Ring on or off: On, although it starts to get tight when I'm getting really warm, last weekend at the seminar it was very warm in the rooms and since I was mostly sitting all day, I was retaining most of the water I was taking in and had to leave it off one day.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Cigarette smoke, but that always bothers me. Tomatoes and tomato sauces are like a guaranteed immediate heart burn with fire in my throat. And I LOVE tomatoes so most of the time I eat them anyway and then suffer through later :/

What I miss: Mostly just being able to get around a lot easier and feeling more like 'myself'. I feel selfish for saying that, and I'm grateful to have had this wonderful experience for the first time to be pregnant and it be a positive and exciting time. But I'm ready to meet this baby and feel more 'human' again.

What I'm looking forward to: My maternity leave, albeit short, it'll be 3 weeks with this baby to bond and get a little bit of a schedule established while I'm not hurrying out the door every morning. Randy will take 2 weeks paternity leave following my 3 weeks off, and I'm also looking forward to that, it'll be very good for both daddy & baby to establish a strong bond. The great thing is, the kids are almost done with school for the year so they'll be around more too, and I'm hoping that helps us all establish our roles in this new family dynamic. 

What I'm not looking forward to: I suppose the labor pains, I know it goes by quickly in the grand scheme of things, and in the end I'll be holding our sweet little bundle...but I can't say I'm looking FORWARD to labor pain lol.

Labor Signs: I have felt a few contractions throughout the days more recently, and definitely feeling heavier with more cramping in my lower abdominal area. Nothing out of the ordinary at this point, that means everything is working and hopefully this labor & delivery will go smoothly.

Nursery: Our nursery is done for baby A, however, I want to move the chandelier from our room that I restored and painted from an antique shop to put in the baby's room. Also, since we don't know the gender of baby A yet, I'll wait to put a few more finishing touches in there when he or she gets here!

Emotions: I am getting anxious because May is going to be a super busy month! My son turns 15 on May 15th, the kids finish school the 24th which is also my due date, and my son graduates 8th grade on May 25th. It's getting down to the wire and although I'm ready to meet this baby, I'm nervous about how my son & daughter will respond to this change in our family dynamic. They absolutely LOVE Randy, but even that was a change after always just being the three of us for so many years. I know it will all work out, but I guess it's the not knowing and being on this side of it that makes me anxious.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

It is a Trifle Thing...

I'm in a book club and we take turns bringing book selections to be voted on for our next read, hosting the book club meeting at our houses, and helping the hostess make food for our gatherings. We meet up on average about every 6-8 weeks, and last night (Tuesday)  I was in charge of bringing a dessert. I was gone all weekend doing continuing education so I didn't make anything over the weekend, and I wanted to make something fairly easy and 'springy' for dessert since it's the end of April! The hostess was going to have chili dogs & salad. My mom was the other 'foodie' as we call them, and she was bringing a fresh fruit platter, and a vegetable tray. So, my initial plan was to make fried apple pie, because that happened to be the famed dessert in the book, but it seemed too heavy. So, instead I decided on a Strawberry Shortcake Trifle!

Since I was running to the store on my lunch hour and getting everything prepared on Monday night, I cheated a bit and went with a boxed yellow cake mix (gasp!) I know I know, I LOVE to make everything from scratch, but after a long weekend of swollen ankles I was trying to make a semi-homemade dessert that wouldn't kill my pregnant feet.'s what you need for my semi-homemade Strawberry Shortcake Trifle...


- 1 box yellow cake mix ( I always use butter instead of oil for's delish)
- 2 big containers of fresh strawberries
- 2 pints or 1 quart of heavy whipping cream (my store was out of the quart size)
- 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
- 1/2 TBSP granulated sugar (optional)


Bake your cake as directed in a 9 X 13 dish. I prepared my cake dish with butter, and like I mentioned, I usually use butter in lieu of oil for a boxed cake. While your cake cools, wash your strawberries thoroughly, then slice them up. I tried for bite sized slices so it was easy to eat & carry on a conversation. I set aside about 1 cup of strawberries that I diced much smaller, and even mashed down a little and sprinkled them with *optional granulated sugar to get them to make more of a puree. Next, I poured my heavy whipping cream with 1/2 cup of confectioners sugar into my kitchenaid mixer and first let the sugar mix in on a low speed before turning it up to 8 or 10 to whip the cream into stiff peaks. Once the whipped cream was prepared, I taste tested it for sweetness, to me this was plenty sweet, but you can always add more confectioners sugar to suit your tastes. Then I cut my cake crosswise & then went over it lengthwise so that it was cut into bite sized sections. I separated about half of my whipped cream into a separate bowl, and mixed in the 1 cup of mashed/diced strawberries, using a spatula I mixed this until thoroughly incorporated and slightly pink. Lastly, with all of my separate components ready, I started to layer my trifle into my super awesome pampered chef trifle bowl. 

My cake sliced into bite sized squares

Sliced fresh strawberries

Ingredients for homemade whipped cream

How your whipped cream looks when it's ready

Layer 1- cake pieces
Layer 2- strawberry whipped cream
Layer 3- strawberry slices
Layer 4- whipped cream

And repeat until your trifle bowl is full. 

Start layering your trifle with the cake pieces first

The layers look so pretty when it's done

I used my remaining strawberries to sprinkle onto the top of my trifle, although I had thought of slicing a whole strawberry somewhat artistically to put on the top. But push came to shove after work on a Tuesday night when I was actually assembling my trifle, so I just went with what was quickest!

View of my trifle from the top :D

This dessert was a hit, it's easy, it's pretty, it's super tasty, and it's 'light' tasting. I hope you give it a try! As far as desserts go, this one isn't too bad for you either, it could be made even healthier with a cake from scratch...but I'll save that for another post, this was quick on a weeknight for dessert!

Monday, April 25, 2016

A Shake By Any Other Name...

So, I am in the health & wellness profession and it is my philosophy to get healthy from the inside out. That includes mind, body, and soul. Now without sounding like a total nusto preacher I wanted to make a post about supplementation.

For years we have been told that we don't need to take vitamins, and the water recommendations are such that you should drink when you are thirsty, and artificial sweeteners really aren't that bad for us. But look around people, we are in the middle of an obesity epidemic, and we certainly didn't get here overnight and without cause. It is being found more often that a lot of people are vitamin D deficient, especially in the Midwest where I live because we don't really spend much time outside in the winter months. So many people have cancer, heart disease, chronic inflammation in some form or another, and there IS a reason for it: we eat like crap and expect our bodies to keep running at top notch.

I personally love my vegetables, I drink a lot of water everyday (about 120 oz. or more), I exercise at least 3 times a week, usually more, and I know I'm not THE healthiest person on the earth. I still have chocolate cake once in awhile (like last Saturday at the Iowa Chiropractic Society banquet) and I'm not perfect. No one is. This is why supplementation is so important. What is supplementation? Well, what I'm referring to is making sure that you get all of your daily vitamins & minerals that your body needs to just run daily functions at 100%. Supplements can be anything from physical performance enhancing supplements that professional athletes take to keep their bodies in top condition to supplements that bodybuilders take to make their muscles grow super huge.

 But what about the rest of us? What about us regular Joes? There are tons and tons of options out there, but what I'm going to talk about is what I use personally. If you've ever stayed up late watching infomercials or those paid tv programming on the weekends you've maybe heard of Shakeology. Now, I'm very much like the rest of the world, I'm skeptical until I do research for myself or have a personal experience with something. So this is mine...

My sister started drinking Shakeology last fall, and she was telling me how great she felt, and how much energy she had, blah blah blah, and I brushed her off. She was in the middle of eating healthier and exercising and I chalked it up to that, and said I could replicate her Shakeology with my protein powder & a banana to make a meal replacement and lose weight. Well, I started looking into what is in Shakeology and I was blown away. We carry a 'green drink' as we affectionately call it, at our clinic, it's full of superfoods, and I make myself choke it down pretty much only when I feel myself getting sick. Why? Because it tastes a lot like what it's made of 'green super foods' and I don't really like the taste, so I'm never consistent with it. Well, shakeology has almost all of the same ingredients of our 'green drink' plus so much more. It has 18 grams of protein, which doesn't make it a protein shake, but it means that if you use it as a meal replacement you're going to feel fuller longer. It has 70 super foods, the equivalent of which would be like going through a salad bar 5 times and filling your plate with all of the healthy greens and veggies you could find! There is also probioitics & prebioitics in it, which are fantastic for digestion, building your immune system, and GI regularity. I speak with patients on a daily basis that have either some form of GI tract irregularity, or irritation. Pro & prebiotics are fantastic for building up and balancing your gut flora for better digestion & regularity. It's also made from ALL NATURAL WHOLE FOODS, there are no artificial flavors, sweeteners, and NO SOY!!! I haven't posted yet on my feelings for soy, but I've eluded to the fact that I don't agree with people that tell you it's healthy for you. 

I started drinking Shakeology at about the middle of February 2016 after I bought their 7 day sample packet to figure out what flavor I'd like best. By day 2 I was looking forward to my daily shake, it tasted really good, and I let my kids sample each flavor along the way as well. My son liked every flavor, my daughter and I liked every flavor except for one. The biggest thing I noticed was as I went through the 7 days, I started to feel less cravings for sweet foods (which to me is huge because I have a serious sweet tooth). After I made my first order of Shakeology, I began drinking it daily at about 26 weeks pregnant, so I wasn't drinking it to lose weight. What have I noticed personally besides less sugar cravings? Added energy, I don't reach the 3 p.m. lull where I feel sleepy and like a need a 'pick me up' anymore. I have energy to get through my 30 minute workouts, which is huge these days at almost 36 weeks pregnant. I have less indigestion/heartburn when I drink it, and it's easier to choke down than my usual handful of vitamins. I look forward to drinking it because it tastes great, but also because I know I'm doing a good job taking care of myself and baby A when I drink it! 

So, what does all of this mean? This supplement is full of your daily RDI of vitamins and minerals, it's the equivalent of 5 trips to the salad bar (which is always good news to people that don't eat their veggies) it has 70 super foods, and it's great for your digestion. So who would this be good for? ANYONE who is alive. It's a great way to make sure your kids get their daily nutrition, it's fantastic for people that don't eat their vegetables (or at least the recommended 5-6 servings daily), it's amazing for people who are diabetic because it's full of nutrition but extremely low on the glycemic index. It's great for athletes that constantly put their body under stress through tough workouts and need to fuel themselves with good nutrition. People who are trying to lose weight, this is fantastic as a meal replacement, it ensures that you can stay the course of healthy eating, helps curb cravings, and keeps you on track with your daily intake. Why? Because when people diet, they generally cut calories, and in turn cut out vital nutrients, so they can stay excited about their low calorie eating plan for a while initially, but after about day 10 (if they make it that far) they throw in the towel because their body is not getting everything it needs, and they start to crave other foods to try and fulfill those needs. This is a fantastic supplement for anyone with any kind of inflammatory disease as well, it's full of healthy nutrients, no added sugars, nothing that feeds the inflammation, so people with arthritis, fantastic! This supplement is wonderful for elderly people...why? Well, as we age, a lot of people are less active, therefore their metabolism slows down, and they begin to eat less, some people lose their appetite altogether, and so they don't get everything they need in a day to stay healthy, and slowly, the cycle begins that they do less and less, eat less, and you watch them just sort of waste away. Well, it doesn't have to be that way. 

I am passionate about taking care of the human frame, in all facets. Nutrition is one of my most beloved topics, and yet it is beyond frustrating the disconnect that our society has with realizing how much the food that we put into our bodies affects how our body responds. Most people would never put a coca-cola in a baby bottle for a week old child right? Well, why not? Because they KNOW that it has no nutrition to offer that baby. Yet, we give young kids and ourselves soda amongst other atrocious food options hand over fist on a daily basis! I would love to follow all of my friends, family, & patients around all day and help them make good food choices, but that's obviously not realistic. Shakeology is truly the best answer across the board in my world to help get people healthy. Let's say you continue eating normally, but you drink Shakeology every day, at the VERY least, you're getting one meal that has dense nutrition, and you're doing good things for your body. Eventually people will begin to feel better, healthier, and then maybe take that next step in filling their day with even more great choices, at least that's my HOPE! As a holistic doctor it is my moral obligation to help and educate people on how to keep themselves healthy, and what things they can do for themselves. A lot of people aren't ready to take control of their lives & their health. For the majority of people that find themselves stuck and in a place where they want to get healthy but are overwhelmed and need direction, this is a great place to START! I would love to help anyone and everyone looking to get healthy, and if this is you, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. 


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Cloth Diapering 101


Yes just reading this heading half of you will think I've gone a little crazy...and that's ok :) my family does too. My husband and I pride ourselves on trying to be healthy, live a healthy lifestyle, we often watch documentaries on health, wellness, and bettering the environment. We use glass water bottles, I almost ALWAYS bring my recyclable bags to the grocery store or get paper, and we try to do our part in being aware of our carbon footprint. Anywho, we watched a documentary that was showing all of the ways we can help contribute to a better environment and less overall carbon emissions, it was saying that the biggest proponent of carbon emissions is deforestation, and industrial agriculture. I was honestly surprised because we always think it's car pollution and all of the things we're told; save water, recycle, etc. and it went on to give ways in which we can alter certain things in our lifestyle to do our part. So, it said that filling our landfills with items that never break down (i.e. plastics) is huge, so plastic water bottles, plastic containers, plastic bags that you get from pretty much EVERYWHERE are all over our planet.

One of the points brought up that really hit me though was disposable diapers. That was certainly never something I questioned when I had my son & daughter. I was young and uninformed on a lot of subjects at the time, but I never even considered there being another way to diaper your children. So, I was interested that they said from birth until potty training age, kids go through on average 8,000-10,000 diapers! I knew it would be a lot, but I didn't have an actual number in mind, so just multiply that by the number of kids you have. All of those diapers since their inception (the first being in 1948) are now sitting in a landfill and just taking up space. They will not likely EVER break down and decompose, especially in recent years with plastics and chemicals being introduced into them,for more 'wicking away moisture' and those cute little blue lines that tell you when to change your baby's diaper, because apparently we are too lazy to be able to check? Well, we weren't even pregnant with baby A at this point, but I told my husband that I'd like to give cloth diapers a try if we ever had another baby. Now that I was armed with this new information I couldn't just blindly ignore it, especially when I would be contributing to the environment long after I'm gone from this earth, but my children & grandchildren, and so on are still here! 

I started doing a bunch of research to figure out cost, what brands are the best/most reliable, & what kinds of cloth diapers are out there, how they work etc. Surprising to me, there is a ton of information out there because in recent years, I'd say about the past 5-7 years, more parents have been made aware of the need to start changing some of our 'convenient' ways. I will include some great websites that have all sorts of information at the bottom in case you are also interested in looking into cloth diapering.


There is more of an upfront cost to supply yourself with the necessary tools for cloth diapering, but in the long run you save on average about $2,500 on diapering in the end. There are also fewer, if any, diaper rashes associated with cloth diapers, additionally a suggested association with earlier toilet training due to kids being able to feel 'wet'. Yes there is the 'ick' factor that comes with cleaning up the mess, but you're only kidding yourself if you think you won't come into contact with that at all with disposable diapers, or during potty training! There are also other items that are there for the convenience of clean up, but we'll get to that!
pic credit:Modern Natural Baby

What I ended up going with was what is called an all-in-two cloth diaper. Which basically means there are two parts to it. The diaper part that catches the pee or poo, and then the diaper cover, that is waterproof and keeps the mess off of the baby's clothes, blankets, etc. There are multiple ways to to accomplish the all-in-two diaper, multiple brands, different methods for the cloth part that actually goes on baby, and then the outer shell cover comes in several brands as well. I read that it was a better idea to go with a few different types of covers & liners at first, so you can decide what works best for you and baby, and then get more supplies from there!


The 3 diaper cover brands I am starting with are GroVia, Thirsties, & Flips. GroVia & Flips are both a one size fits all diaper, they have snaps on the front to adjust to baby's size from newborn to potty training. Thirsties has two sizes, the size 1 is for newborns up to 15 lbs, and then they have a size 2 for up to 35 lbs I believe. These also have snaps on the front side of the diaper cover to adjust to baby's growing size, and they start out a little smaller than the GroVia & Flips, so I thought it would be good to get a couple of these for those first few weeks. The diaper liners I am going with are 'pre folds' which basically looks like a small dish towel & is similar to what our grandparents used. There are no more safety pins to mess with however, they now make these little diaper fasteners called 'Snappis' and that's how you keep the diaper together. And then each of the brands came with their own liner or insert that I ordered that is a little less complex as far as how you prep them. 

This weekend I decided I was deep cleaning the house, and I should also have all of my cloth diapers prepped and ready for the baby. Just like brand new towels, the cloth diaper has to be washed several times before it has reached a higher level of absorbency. My prefold diapers are all 100% unbleached cotton, and then a few inserts were a mix of cotton, hemp, bamboo, & microfleece. Any natural material is supposed to be washed & dryed at least 6 times to reach full absorbency before use. They will continue to become more absorbent the more you wash them as well. Some of the other diaper inserts were microfleece as well as the diaper covers, so I washed those altogether, about 6 times as well. The difference was, I didn't have to dry these each time in between washes.

GroVia on the far left, Thirsties in the middle, & Flips on the right

1) Cotton, Hemp, Bamboo & Natural materials I washed on HOT with just a couple of tsps of detergent the first 2 rounds. I washed & dried them 6 times back to back in between my other laundry. This is supposed to help rid the diapers of natural oils that the materials contain and make them more absorbent.

2) Microfleece liners & Diaper Covers I washed together on WARM with a couple of tsps of detergent for the first 2 rounds. The diaper covers aren't absorbent so they just needed washed once, and then hung to dry.

I will definitely do an updated post once baby A is here and we have been using the cloth diapers to give an update. All of the blogs I read had somewhat the same general consensus, they were nervous at first and weren't sure if they could stick with it, but after using cloth diapers they said they'd never go back! They were happy with the outcomes, and said it wasn't as bad as they had originally thought! I'm hopeful we can get the hang of it pretty quickly, and I'll be sure to let you know how I like our different diapers and the different inserts as far as ease of use, and absorbency in a future post!


This picture is showing how the Snappis work on a prefold diaper, and this would then be covered by the diaper cover. Here are pictures of the clean up equipment that I bought to help keep the ick factor to a minimum. First off, the diaper sprayer, is essentially a hose that connects to your toilet tank & uses clean water that you spray the diaper off with into the toilet to be flushed away! But don't you spray poop water all over? I'm glad you asked, not if I have my handy dandy spray shield! But won't your hands get covered in excrement? Not if I'm using my awesome little diaper dawgs!

diaper sprayer

spray shield

diaper dawgs


Happy cloth diapering to the other brave parents out there looking for more information! I hope this was helpful, feel free to leave comments & horror stories below!
